|By Rev. Christopher Gore
The road to the increase in control of the antichrist spirit is being built every day. There are systems being put in place by the enemy as a set up for the “End Times” battle of battles. This battle must take place, nothing can stop it because I have ordained it to show My might and My power to My nation Israel.
You will see an increase in the unification of the demonic realm. Allegiances and alliances will be formed that will seem absolutely unlikely. Under the banner of globalism many different cultures, ideologies, and government structures or being dumped into one “pot”. From out of this “pot” the enemy is causing his agenda to be sent forth into the Earth. Prophetically, there is a time coming where there will be a singular world government, a singular money system, a singular religion, and a singular culture. When this occurs lookout because many great evils will be committed by those who are in power.
“He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13: 16 – 17 (NKJV).
When you look around the world, you can see that each nation is being attacked by the same force of darkness. This force is stealing the cultures away from individual nations. This force is collapsing the economies of these individual nations. This force is attacking the moral and spiritual fiber of these nations. This force is dehumanizing mankind. This is a diabolical plan that has been hatched by the Antichrist spirit. It is working and it will accomplish the goal that it has set out. Each of these nations that falls to this force will be in complete control of the antichrist spirit. They will do his bidding without hesitation.
“All who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” Revelation 13: 8 (NKJV).
You must understand My principles and My precepts Have never changed. My plan for My people has never changed. I am about My business. I'm causing what needs to be done for the fulfillment of My Word since the foundations of this world were formed. Light will draw to light and darkness will draw to darkness. Do not be dismayed at the increase in darkness. I told you long ago that these things must be. You must understand these things and know that they will be running in parallel to the Revival that I am sending forth in the Earth.
The antichrist spirit will not prevail over My true children. There will be a persecution that arises from the antichrist spirit and some of My true children will suffer at the hand of the antichrist spirit. This is a fulfillment of My scripture. Martyrs will birth this new move that I'm bringing forth in the Earth. You must draw close to me and be ever listening for My voice. I will be giving you clear cut instructions and I will be highlighting to you the things that are coming to this Earth.
In the days ahead it is going to appear that I have lost complete control once again My Word has to fulfill itself. I am drawing a line of distinction between those who are Mine and those who will never be Mine. Do not let this line cause you to walk in fear or confusion in any way. My Word remains true forever. Just like I placed My Son on the Cross to redeem the entire world, I will do the very same thing to My remnant. My remnant must understand the nature of the price that I'm asking them to pay in this hour.
My request for separation from the things of this world is for your divine protection. It is so that you do not get caught up in the deceptions and delusions that are coming into this world. There are those who have already been turned over to a reprobate mind because of the choices that they have made. You must understand it is not because My hand is short and I cannot save them. It is because they have refused to bow their hearts and bow their lives unto Me.
An independent spirit has arisen inside of those who refused to give Me honor and glory by selling their lives out to Me. I never go against anyone's will. I did not go against satan's will. He chose what he choose. The angels that followed him chose what they choose. They all must live with the consequences of their decision for the entirety of eternity. You cannot understand My ways. Do not let this separate or divide you away from Me. Let this be a point where you learn to draw yourself into My heart even more.
I'm revealing these secrets unto you so that you can prepare yourselves mentally for what is about to come upon the Earth. You will see an increase in the manifestation of evil like you have never seen it before. There will be a rise in cannibalism and even more grotesque sexual perversions will come to light. It will cause those in My remnants to be vexed in their souls. I will keep My remnant. I will continue to draw them close to Me. This is the hour of their redemption. This is the hour of great truths being revealed.
My Son is soon to return to this Earth. When He returns, He will come back with My holy angels. I have already placed the victor's crown upon Him and as it is written the day will come where every knee shall bow, and every tongue will confess that My Son Jesus is Lord.
You will see more nations turn against Israel. You will see more Church leaders take My scriptures and twist them and make them say things that I never intended for them to say. You must fortify yourselves and prepare yourselves for the brutality of the hour that is upon the world. There will be more claims of manifestations of UFOs in the days ahead. These are demonic manifestations that will be signs to you that the portals of Hell have been opened up even wider.
The enemy knows that this is his time to gather as many to his side as he can so understand that there will be greater delusions, greater false signs, and greater false wonders that will move the hearts of those who are dark. They will claim to have evidence of the truth through these UFO's. They will claim to have evidence of connecting to a new life form. There will be much excitement until they come to the understanding that I am the giver of life and outside of Me life does not exist.
Now is the time to draw yourself even closer to the Cross. I am separating the sheep from the goats, the wheat from the tares; these things must be in order for My Word to be fulfilled. You will find in the days ahead great comfort in knowing that nothing escapes My watchful eye, and I am always looking out for the good of My children. Cry out to Me and never let go of My hand. There is a wave of destruction that is coming that will cause men's hearts to fail. Your hearts will remain strong because you have been bathed in My everlasting truth. Do not ever fear for I am with you.
““When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory. All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats. And He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left. Then the King will say to those on His right hand, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: “Then He will also say to those on the left hand, ‘Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels:” Matthew 25: 31 – 34, 41 (NKJV).
Originally printed in "More Than Enough" November/December 2024 - click here