Do you really love God’s sons and daughters? If so, then this is for you.
There is a spiritual battle that is taking place all across the land. There is a great need for mothers and fathers in the Spirit to rise up in the anointing to train the new sons and daughters of God. This has been a long time coming. Many thought that this day would never arrive, but I am telling you that I have prepared mothers and fathers to help bring in My harvest.
I have given them wisdom and discernment beyond their years. I will be with them as they minister to the harvest and bring in the new sons and daughters that I am calling forth. They will go forth in the love of My son, they will teach them of My ways, they will discipline them in the Spirit, and they will reap the harvest that I have called forth in this time.
The enemy has brought discouragement to My mothers and fathers. They have spent time for Me trying to convince bastard children that they are no longer bastards. They've tried to convince them through My anointing that they could have so much more and be so much more because I have adopted them into My family. These bastards refused My love, refused My discipline, and they will be no more.
My mothers and fathers I want you to know that I am well pleased with you. You have persevered through severe trials and testings. You have persevered through the hard heartedness of the bastards. This was a training and a testing for you. I want you to know that I've shown you that you're able to persevere, you're able to not grow weary in well doing. You have seen the fatherlessness that rules and reigns in My houses. You were motivated by Me to do something. Even though the ones I sent your way refused to receive My love, the anointing that I've placed upon you only grew stronger.
Your blood is clean before Me. It is not your job to make their hearts bend. You did everything that I told you to do in the way that I told you to do it. Your reward is coming. You will have sons and daughters who will heed My words through you. You will have many Ruth’s, Esther’s, David’s, & Samuel’s. They will grow strong and do My bidding in the Spirit realm. They will go forth and accomplish all that I intended for the bastard children to accomplish for Me. You see My little ones nothing is wasted or lost in My Kingdom. Everything that you did for Me in honor of Me you will be rewarded for in this life and in the life to come.
You are My great Eagles. You see how the vultures have gathered. My vultures have a purpose and that is to cleanse the earth of the dead things. There are many dead who sit in My houses. They refuse to change, they refuse to listen to My voice, I have sent My vultures after them in preparation for the great cleansing that is going to take place in the short days ahead. I want you My great Eagles to soar high in the Spirit realm with Me. I'm going to restore and bring you fresh revelation so that you can feed it to My young ones who are coming in. I have promised you that I'm going to restore your youth and this is exactly what I am going to do for you. You will be able to run with the footmen, you will be able to run with the horses. Your works is not over. It is just beginning.
I am returning the strength and the might of Elijah to the lands. With this anointing we shall do great exploits, we shall rout the enemy on all sides. We shall utterly destroy the house of ahab and jezebel and bring order and justice into My Kingdom. You must understand that no weapon formed against you shall prosper. You must understand that the great grace that I have given you is all that you have needed all of these years. Do not listen to what the naysayers are telling you. Do not become persuaded to quit. You shall have children for Me. Newness of life is springing forth and there shall be great rejoicing in your lands. Not one thing that you have lost will be kept from you. I will return it all. The things that the bastards stole from you will be returned. The years that the bastards stole from you will be returned.
You are going to feel My anointing surge through you in an even greater magnitude. You are going to need this power to lead My sons and daughters into one of the biggest battles of all of the ages. I have placed My angelic coast around about you. They have not left your side. They will be with you all the way until you step into eternity. The victory is yours. Truly you shall rejoice with Me. I say unto you well done good and faithful servants. Thank you for persevering in doing the impossible tasks that I placed before you.
You did not seek honor, nor did you seek prestige. You just wanted to do My perfect will and bring Me joy. Because of your faithfulness to your Father, I am honoring you in this new season. You shall be fruitful. You shall enjoy prosperity of soul. What a great delight shall we all have as we watch My glory and power take over the Earth and make all things new. I am bringing the prodigals in. They will have a different mindset. They will not be stiff necked nor rebellious. They will be hungry for the truth. I will feed it to them through you. Even though it seems like you've been spinning your wheels, and not making much progress for Me; I have been preparing you for this season.
Eye has not seen, nor ear heard the fullness of what it is that I'm going to be doing. I'm going to give each and every one of you a glimpse of the glory to come. This is My special gift to you in this hour. Just like My servants waited for over 400 years for My son to come. They persevered in their waiting. They trusted Me with everything inside of them. Like them you too will see My promises fulfilled in ways that you could never even imagine. I am yours. You are Mine. Forever we shall be together. One big happy family in My Kingdom for time without end.
I placed the heart of Elijah inside of you. I gave you a heart for My sons and daughters. you will fulfill My plans and purposes in this earth realm. You will see the bastards no more.
