As a Christian we must forgive Biden for calling black people the n' word on multiple occasions; we must forgive Biden for working with former President Barack Obama and being in agreement with him while he gutted the military down to nothing; we must forgive Biden for working with former President Barack Obama who not only listed Christian organizations as hate groups but stood against our long time allegiance with Israel; we must forgive Biden for sponsoring a crime bill in the 90's that gave black American's substantially longer jail terms for minor drug offenses; we must forgive Biden for not standing with his Catholic faith on abortion; we must forgive Biden for helping former President Barack Obama for creating socialized health care that destroys everyone else's health care; we must forgive Biden for ignoring the well known truth Kamala Harris intentionally gave black males longer prison terms than there white counterparts who committed the same exact crime; we must forgive Biden for ignoring this and choosing Kamala Harris as his running mate; we must forgive Biden for all of the sins that he has committed but Biden should never be given the opportunity to continue the policies of former President Barack Obama.
President Donald J. Trump is not God and neither is former Vice President Joseph R. Biden. Should God be elected as President of the United States? Some would argue not but I personally would love to see this. I believe that would be wonderful. This is not going to happen at this given time. In the not so distant future, God will send Jesus Christ back in His stead and He will not only ascend to the place of power over the United States but Jesus Christ will ascend to His place of power over the entire world.

Unfortunately, at this time neither Jesus the Christ, the Holy Spirit, nor God the Father are on the ballot. It is irresponsible to vote for Biden not because President Donald J. Trump is a Christian and has done more things for Christians and people of faith but because 47 years of Biden should be enough evidence to show that Biden is motivated only by power and influence.
An Appeal to Good Democrats in Delaware - Click Here
Joe Biden, What Jezebel is Pushing Him Forward? - Click Here
What the Catholic Church Says About Biden...
Catholic Cardinal Says Pro-Choice Joe Biden Shouldn't Receive Communion - Click Here
Catholic priest says he denied Joe Biden Holy Communion at Mass in South Carolina because of abortion views - Click Here