While we are on this side of eternity we do not fully understand the entire picture of what God is doing. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part. 12 For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known. [1 Corinthians 13: 9, 12 {NKJV}]. Understanding this revelation in I Corinthians will help you draw closer to God. There are times in your walk with God that you must take what God shares with you and walk it out by faith. This is more true now than ever. Do not take for granted that God has given you a prophetic word or revelation. Take the time to process that Word.
Think about Mary the mother of Jesus. God sent Gabriel to Mary to give her a prophetic word about the child she would conceive in her future days. Even though God gave Mary a very specific word about what she would be doing. There were little minute details that God never shared with here. There were many more details that had to be arranged by God for this prophetic word to come to pass. We see this unfold in Luke 1 when Gabriel reveals to Mary what thus saith the Lord. Gabriel spoke to Mary on behalf of God and Gabriel shared God’s heart with Mary. Mary processed this prophetic word with the information that she had at the time.
Mary did not lean upon her own understanding, nor did she believe that she understood the whole picture. Mary listened to Gabriel. She asked an honest question and then Gabriel told her what God wanted her to know in that moment. Mary was due to conceive in her belly via the Holy Spirit the Son of the Almighty God. Did Mary fully comprehend what God was telling her? No! Did Mary know what her life was gonna be from this moment forward? She had no idea or concept of the reality of what Gabriel was saying. Yet in the simplicity of her heart was the anointing that she needed to fulfill God’s assignment.
Gabriel told Mary about the miracle of her cousin Elizabeth. Elizabeth, who was thought to be barren and too old to bear children, had conceived a child and was six months along. Hearing this account from Gabriel was enough to cause Mary to say, ““Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her.” [Luke 1: 38 {NKJV}]. The belief that Mary exhibited demonstrated that the anointing was already inside of her to guide her into the fulfillment of her destiny. She would eventually at some point in the not-too-distant future give birth to the Savior of the World.
Look at how Mary handled herself through her whole journey with God. As time went on and Mary conceived, she watched many things over the course of her lifetime. She witnessed the crowds throng her Son, she witnessed the times when He was loved and applauded, she witnessed the times when He was harassed and beaten like a slave. None of these things were told to her by Gabriel. Oh, how her heart must have ached and been in bewilderment as the events in Jesus’ life unfolded. Mary never tried to make things happen on the faithful day that Gabriel appeared to her. She just took the truth into her Spirit man and waited. There were many things that God never told her were going to happen, yet she still trusted and believed upon God.
There was no possible way for Mary to see what was really going to happen to her or her precious Son, Jesus. Yet, she still carried on her function in the Kingdom. We must realize that our head knowledge will not produce fruit that will last or be edible for anyone to eat. We must allow the Holy Spirit to bring us into the next phase of our destiny all until we complete our destiny and then return to be with the Father.