I realize that I am a blessed man because of what God has given me in and through my mother. Many people in this world cannot say this. When I look at all of the things that my mother is, I smile on the inside because I know that God created her and placed me in this earth through her. There is not enough room to detail all that she does but let me share a little piece of the ways she has impacted my life. My mother is very passionate about her love for God. Some of my earliest childhood memories are of my mother reading us the Bible, praying with us, and singing over us.
My mother loves to sing and dance. While she doesn’t move like she used too, she still let’s loose every now and then. I love hearing sing. Especially old hymns, like “What A Friend We Have in Jesus?”, “How Great Thou Art!”, or “There’s Power in the Blood”. She is an Alto in vocal range but there is just something about her voice when she praises the Lord. I remember growing up and my mother was given the lead for a song called, “I’m Coming Up On the Rough Side of the Mountain.” I didn’t know it then but there was an anointing on this song when she sang it. It was amazing to see the people respond to my mother’s voice as God sang the song through her.
When you are a child, you just cannot comprehend the sacrifices that are being made for you. You are not aware of the things that your parents give up and forfeit so that they could be there for you. I now know that my parents sacrificed a lot for me, my brother, and my sister over the years. There were things that she did without by choice and like all mothers she made herself content because her goal, was to make us, her children, happy. I am probably the last generation where the mothers actually “stayed at home” fulltime. I now appreciate this in so many ways because there are things that she taught me that a daycare worker would have never taught me. It takes a total commitment to raise a family and my mother was committed to us.
When I was younger my mother sewed. I remember that she used to make my clothes. It took a lot of love to spend the time that she spent to make sure that I was dressed appropriately. My mother would take us on day trips to the beach and to the park. We would go at times out to visit my father on the Air Force Base while he was working. There is just so much that she did, and she enjoyed it. There is no one that can replace my mother. She knows how to do so many things. When I say I am blessed because of what the Father in Heaven gave me. I mean this from the very core of my being.
You need to be grateful to God for the gift that you have in your mother. She is the only one you will ever have. For myself, I know that my mommy loves me, my brother, and sister with every part of her heart and I will always honor and love her for this. Happy Mother’s Day Mommy. I love you with all my heart. Selah.
{This article was originally posted in the Lighthouse Inc., Church's weekly printed bulletin on May 9, 2021.}