Hey Citizens of Delaware, It's a very important day today. It's Delaware's Primary Day. Yes, I know it's an extra day because of Covid-19 but you still need to exercise your right to vote. Very important day to flex your political will and flex your political muscles. There is nothing better than using your God-given Constitutional right as a citizen of the Untied States to be an active participant in the government.
There are many races that are hot politically right now. Senate District 1 is a hot race. If you live in that District and are a Christian you are strongly encouraged to get out and vote. We need the voice of truth and the voice of reason to stand up like never before and shout the shout of Faith all over Delaware. I am looking for those good Democrats and those good Republicans to stand for righteousness in this hour. Make God's voice heard.
I have found a very powerful tool to help if you don't know how to make a solid Christian decision. It's DEVoterGuide.com. It will give you insight and background information on the candidates will help you make a wise choice. We must stand, we must be seen in this hour. Don't hold back your cry for righteousness. Let your voice be heard in every election district all over the State of Delaware.
Find out who’s on your ballot – Click Here
Find out what your voting district is – Click Here
Find out if you are registered to vote – Click Here
Where do I vote – Click Here
Listen at my thoughts - Click Here
Listen at my early predictions for Delaware's Elections -